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March Madness

We are already into March. Didn’t it feel as though January would never end? Maybe it was because God was giving us time to get our ish together. LOL, I guess. Anyway, the weather is about to change and I couldn’t be happier. Who isn’t ready for the warmer months, not feeling like a hermit and actually enjoy time outdoors. While in hermit mode, I did a lot of self-reflecting and evolving. I have even cut a lot of dead weight out of my life. That’s another post for another day so stay tuned. In the meantime, here are a few things I want to focus on this month.

· More self-care: While this is easier said than done, I will be allowing more "me" time this month. Time with yourself is very important. You actually learn a lot. Detaching from the social world and catering to yourself will reveal a lot about who you are. Consider taking a weekend to just relax and focus on yourself. For me, that is meditating and creating calmness in my life. Don’t get me wrong because I love the idea of being busy and having things to do. However, at some point it becomes transactional vs intentional/rewarding. Self-care will help to reduce the idea or feeling of being burnout.

· More focus, less busy work: I am guilty of putting things off until tomorrow and you know what? Tomorrow never comes and stuff does not get done. This goal deals with dedicating time to things that will provide a return or reward. I am not sure if I am intimidated by a challenge or the fear of failure, but something has to give. The idea of focusing on less things and completing tasks will definitely give me a sense of gratification.

· Working out more/eating better: I currently have a personal trainer, which is great. However, after the sessions are over, then what? I have made a commitment, thanks to my line sister, Jessica- to dedicate more time to my overall well-being. It is so very vital. A healthy lifestyle sets the tone for everything else in your life. I will miss all the carbs, but it is for the best :-(

As you are aware, I am working on achieving small goals in order to measure my overall successful. I literally have to get started NOW. There is no better time than now. Do you have goals for this month? If so, what are they? Remember, YOU GOT THIS!!


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