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March Madness


So much took place in March and I am not even sure where to start. March was jammed pack with trips, events, and work. I began to feel overwhelmed with all that was taking place. I felt as if I was being pulled in every direction and had no real time to take it all in. I had a list and I was checking it twice, making sure I showed up to events I RSVP’d for...on time(I despise being late).

I took a trip to Charleston, SC for the weekend- a quick getaway to reset. I know what you are thinking: “She’s from that area. How is that a vacation?” This trip was very different from the typical Charleston trip. I decided to be a tourist this time: staying on the waterfront, eating downtown, walking around the market, eating gelato, and taking pics (which I accidentally deleted, story of my life). I was actually able to take in the true essence of the city. While there I visited Mother Emmanuel in order to pay my respects. I can truly say this was the highlight of the trip. When I visited the church I became so overwhelmed. I mean here I was standing in front of a church where I worshiped as a child which was not a memorial for nine lives that were taken a so senselessly. I stood there in complete disbelief. My heart goes out to the families and the community which are still healing.

I attended a few birthday parties for friends and also baby showers for co-workers in March, all which were days apart. Two baby showers were on the same day...INSANE!!! I had no idea how popular March was for events. Not even did I attend baby showers, I even hosted one for a coworker. I am a type A personality and don’t handle stress very well. I like to be in total control, have a plan, and stick with it. In my mind, I am Olivia Pope (minus the scandalous behavior). I believe I can fix and handle anything. Boy, was I wrong. I didn’t know how detailed a baby shower can be when the parents are not revealing the gender until the baby is born. However, the event went off without a hitch. I did get some help from coworkers and the mother to be was very happy. #babySuttonisontheway!!!

At the very end of March, I visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington D.C. with my family. After the self-guided tour, I left with mixed emotions. First, it was a great, yet humbling experience to see all the artifacts that were collected over the years. They told a powerful story. On the other hand, I was a little heartbroken to see what our race endured so that we could be afforded the opportunities we have today, some of which we take for granted. I am proud to be an African American. We have been through tough times, and yet we have prevailed!! Since returning, I have been doing my own research to become well versed in our history. I hope everyone takes the time to visit. I promise it is worth the crowd and long lines. ☺

I wish I took more pictures, which is definitely something I am realizing important to blogging. Thank you for your continued support as we GROW and GLOW together!!! I am looking forward to the spring and all the things yet to come in 2017! Happy Spring.

With love,


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